Advancing Access to Rights under Victims' Directive for Persons with Disabilities (ARVID)

Justice Programme 2014-2020

Beneficiary: Croatian Law Centre

Partners: Croatian Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities (HR), NGO Victim and Witnesses Support Service Croatia, NGOs Peace Institute and ALTRA from Slovenia. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia has supported the project.

Short description: the aim of the project is to research into the level of participation of persons with disabilities as victims in criminal proceedings in Croatia and Slovenia as well as potential problems limiting their full participation, potential promising practices, and the necessary accommodations that would guarantee full access to the rights enshrined in the Victims’ Directive to persons with disabilities who are victims of crime.

Total project value: 204,428.85 €
Implementation period: 01/01/2020 – 30/06/2021 (18 months)
Contact: Ms Heidi Eterović,