Study visit to Courts Service and judicial authorities of Ireland under project "Support to the implementation of eCommunication"

Within the project "Support to the implementation of eCommunication", representatives of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, the Supreme Court of Croatia and the Municipal Court of Novi Zagreb were on a study visit to Ireland from 21 to 25 March. 

They visited some of the judicial authorities of Ireland: the Supreme Court of Ireland, the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Dublin Municipal Court, criminal courts and the Courts Service of Ireland (responsible for the management of the courts system). 

The representatives of the Ministry and courts were presented with the use of IT tools in the Irish judiciary and the implementation of the eCommunication system in the Irish justice system. In addition, they learned about the process of overall digitalisation of the Irish judiciary during the COVID-19 pandemic and future steps envisaged by the Irish authorities in terms of digitalisation. 

The project "Support to the implementation of eCommunication" is funded by the European Union under the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) and implemented by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM). 

The e-Communication system allows participants in judicial proceedings to file submissions to the court using electronic signatures. The courts serve documents (decisions, orders, etc.) electronically using a secure electronic signature. 

eCommunication is currently used in commercial, county, municipal, administrative courts, the High Administrative Court, the High Commercial Court and the Supreme Court, in civil procedure.  
