C2.2 R2-I2 Introduction of a hybrid workplace model – Smartworking

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, for the entire state administration

The investment aims to introduce a hybrid workplace model enabling civil servants to combine office and remote work, in order to simultaneously ensure continuous and high-quality public services accessible to all and increase the motivation of civil servants. The measure foresees an analysis and the development of a proposal for the hybrid workplace model with guidelines for state bodies and a normative solution for its implementation, introduction of new tools and working methods in the civil service, procurement of IT equipment through transparent public procurement processes, and training of civil servants on hybrid work. The goal is to enable hybrid work for at least 20 % of civil servants by the end of the investment, and to train at least 60 % of civil servants for remote work.

In addition to potential financial savings and impact on the productivity, satisfaction and well-being of civil servants, the introduction of hybrid work is expected to contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the long term (e.g. when institutions lack accessibility), reduce sick days and contribute to reducing pollution and the environmental footprint due to reducing the need to use different modes of transport. 

Value of investment: ∼EUR 9.8 m 

Estimated completion: September 2023

Contact person: Dr. Ivana Nagy, smart@mpu.hr