C2.6 R4 Strengthening judicial redress capacity in public procurement procedures

Beneficiary: Judicial Academy 

The objective of the reform is to strengthen judicial protection in public procurement procedures through trainings for judicial officials. 80 judicial officials will be trained on the management of corruption risks in public procurement and judicial protection in public procurement procedures. The thematic workshops will be organised by the Judicial Academy as part of the lifelong professional development programme for judicial officials, as regular or online workshops depending on the circumstances, with the aim of strengthening judicial redress in public procurement procedures. Four workshops are envisaged. Methodology for the workshops is based on an interactive approach, focusing on the active role of participants (presentations, moderated discussions and experience sharing among participants).
Value of investment: ∼EUR 20,000 

Envisaged completion: June 2024

Contact persons: Nella Popović, nella.popovic@pravosudje.hr, Anita Lazarin, anita.lazarin@pravosudje.hr, Tomislav Briški, tomislav.briski@pravosudje.hr, and Tamara Pavičić, tamara.pavicic@pravosudje.hr